Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Treatment

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is a fertility treatment where a previously frozen embryo from an earlier IVF cycle is thawed and transferred into the uterus. So you have just the second half of the usual IVF cycle, since the embryos are already there.

The FET process starts with preparing the uterine lining, typically using hormones (Estrogen) for about 10-15 days. In some women, we can choose to do a “natural cycle” where Estrogen tablets are not used or used only if needed later in the cycle. This creates the ideal environment for implantation, which we know when the endometrial lining is thick enough and shows other qualities such as a “triple line”.

Once ready, the embryo is thawed and transferred into the uterus. This process does not need anaesthesia and takes barely 10 minutes. The only discomfort is that you have to fill your bladder to make the process simpler!

FET is less invasive and often less stressful than a fresh IVF cycle, making it a popular choice for those with stored embryos or who wish to time their pregnancy more precisely.

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Frozen Embryo Transfer

When is FET Done?

FET is used when frozen embryos are available from a previous IVF cycle. It’s often chosen when a fresh transfer wasn’t possible due to medical reasons (such as OHSS) or there were more embryos to freeze after a fresh transfer.

Additionally, FET is ideal for those who want to delay pregnancy or conduct genetic testing on embryos before transfer. Genetic test results aren’t available immediately so the embryos are frozen after the biopsy and the good ones are transferred after a month or so.

Which is better Fresh or Frozen?

Many couples have this question and it must come from the direct extrapolation from how we look at food!

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is as effective as a fresh embryo transfer (EET) in achieving pregnancy. We use an advanced freezing technology, called vitrification, which makes it possible to preserve embryo quality, ensuring similar success rates between FET and fresh transfers.

Additionally, FET allows for better timing and uterine preparation, often leading to improved implantation outcomes. For many women, FET offers the same chance of success as a fresh transfer, with the added benefits of reduced stress and flexibility in scheduling.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)?

Ans: FET is a fertility treatment where a previously cryopreserved (frozen) embryo is thawed and transferred into the uterus. This process can be done in a natural cycle or with the help of hormone treatments to prepare the uterine lining for implantation.
The monitoring of an FET cycle involves doing pelvic scan to check the growth of the endometrial lining. After that we add Progesterone supplements for 5 days and put back the embro on the 6th day.

What is the success rate of Frozen Embryo Transfers?

Ans: FET has a success rate no less than fresh ET.
Success rates for FETs (or any ET for that matter) vary depending on factors such as the woman’s age, the quality of the embryos and the quality of the endometrium in that cycle.
Improvements in freezing techniques, such as vitrification, have significantly increased FET success rates – which on an average be between 30% and 50% It can be higher in young women and lower in older women.

How do I prepare for a Frozen Embryo Transfer?

Ans: Preparation for FET includes monitoring your menstrual cycle, blood tests, and ultrasounds to check the uterine lining. We may prescribe hormone treatments like Estrogen in the first part of the cycle (10-16 days) and Progesterone (pessaries/injections) to optimize the lining for implantation. If undergoing a natural cycle FET, you’ll be monitored for ovulation timing instead.
Are there any risks associated with Frozen Embryo Transfers?
FET is generally considered safe, but as with any medical procedure, there are risks. These may include a small chance of infection (very uncommon), and the possibility of multiple pregnancies if more than one embryo is transferred.

How long does it take to complete a Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle?

Ans: The entire FET process usually takes about 3 weeks from the start of your cycle to the transfer day. This includes preparing the uterine lining and monitoring.
You’ll typically take a pregnancy test about 10 days after the FET to see if you are pregnant.

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Why Choose Acorn Fertility

Acorn Affirms on IVF Successful Stories where treatment results meet with the Gift of Living Heart

Experienced doctors who lead your treatment

Dr Alka and Dr Maha have both been in the speciality of fertility since the mid 1990s. They have worked with leading fertility clinics in London. run their own clinic overseas as well a satellite centre in London for the last 10 years. They have no other committments, so they are available for every patient, from ovulation inductions to IVF and ICSI.

Continuity of care
by our team

Every patient, from IVF and ICSI or something as simple as IUI with donor sperm or ovulation induction is seen personally by the same experienced doctor so you know you are in good hands – the same good hands all through your journey! The same doctors will scan you, consult and advise you and do your procedures from IUI to egg collections and ETs.

Cutting edge treatments in a safe environment

Acorn Fertility will provide the best quality treatment, implementing the most up to date concepts blended with years of experience. Our centre is HFEA licensed and a has CD license as well. The premises also have CQC registration – which means we are inspected by 3 regulatory agencies regularly. Our clinic has it’s own generator and UPS to support the lab in case of an electrical

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    Fees are an estimate only and may be more depending on your situation