Egg Freezing

In the last ten to fifteen years, egg freezing (also called “oocyte cryopreservation”) has advanced significantly; modern techniques, (called “vitrification”), have greatly improved the chances of eggs surviving the freeze-thaw process and have enhanced pregnancy outcomes.

Why Do Women Need to Freeze Eggs? A woman’s eggs are created before she is born, and both their number and quality decline with age. This decline accelerates as she approaches her fortieth birthday. Beyond the age of 42-43, the chances of a successful IVF (using her own eggs) are extremely low and most women at this age will need IVF using “donor” eggs. If she had eggs frozen previously, she could use he own eggs

Cancers such as breast cancer ovarian cancer or blood cancer often affects young women. The treatment for such conditions (radiotherapy / chemotherapy) can adversely affect her ovaries. Egg freezing is an amazing option for such women, allowing them to preserve their fertility before undergoing treatments that may affect their reproductive health. By freezing their eggs prior to chemotherapy or radiation, women can ensure the possibility of having biological children in the future.

Egg freezing

How Does Egg Freezing Work?

Women may choose to delay having children for various reasons. With options like egg freezing, women now have the flexibility to preserve their fertility and decide when to start their family. By freezing their eggs around the age of 30, they can take their time deciding when to have a child. This ensures that if there are difficulties conceiving naturally later on, the eggs they froze at 30 are still viable and healthy.

Eggs frozen at a younger age retain their quality, and the risk of abnormalities such as Down’s syndrome is based on the age at which the eggs were frozen, not when they are used to create embryos.

How Long Does It Take? The entire treatment cycle takes less than two weeks. There are 2-3 monitoring scans, and the most time you’ll need to take off work is about two days.

There are several stages to the egg freezing treatment. All consultations and scans can be done at your local “Fertility in Community” clinic. However, the egg collection and freezing are “regulated” activities and will be performed at the primary HFEA licensed centre: IVF London (HFEA centre number 0365).

How Much Does It Cost?

For the Acorn Fertility team, promoting egg freezing is a mission. We have priced Egg freezing such that it is affordable to all young women. The treatment costs only £2500 (excluding the cost of medicines, which varies based on a woman’s age and fertility reserve)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q1. What is egg freezing, and why might I consider it?

Ans: Egg freezing, or oocyte cryopreservation, is a process where a woman’s eggs are extracted, frozen, and stored for future use. It is often considered by women who want to preserve their fertility due to age, medical treatments (such as chemotherapy), or personal reasons like focusing on career or not yet being ready to start a family.

Q2. At what age is it best to freeze my eggs?

Ans: The optimal age for egg freezing is generally in your late 20s to early 30s, as egg quality and quantity decline with age. While eggs can be frozen later, success rates decrease as you get older, especially after 35. Freezing eggs at a younger age increases the chances of successful fertilization and pregnancy later.

Q3. What is the process of egg freezing like?

Ans: The egg freezing process involves several steps: ovarian stimulation with hormones to produce multiple follicles, monitoring of the growth of the follicles through ultrasounds and blood tests, egg retrieval under sedation, and then freezing the mature eggs using vitrification (a rapid freezing technique).
The process usually takes about 2-3 weeks from the start of the menstrual cycle to egg retrieval.

Q4. How long can eggs be stored, and does storage time affect their quality?

Ans: Eggs can be stored for many years without a significant decline in quality due to advancements in freezing techniques. In the UK, recent regulations allow eggs to be stored for up to 55 years. The length of storage does not impact the quality of the eggs, as long as they were healthy at the time of freezing.

Q5. What are the success rates of using frozen eggs for pregnancy later?

Ans: Success rates using frozen eggs vary based on the woman’s age at the time of freezing. For women who froze their eggs in their early 30s, success rates for live birth can be around 30-60% depending on the number of eggs frozen and other factors.
However, success rates decrease if the eggs were frozen at an older age.
It is important to remember, frozen eggs can’t be fertilised with simple IVF but IVF with ICSI as the “zona” of the egg (shell covering) has hardened during the cryopreservation.

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Why Choose Acorn Fertility

Acorn Affirms on IVF Successful Stories where treatment results meet with the Gift of Living Heart

Experienced doctors who lead your treatment

Dr Alka and Dr Maha have both been in the speciality of fertility since the mid 1990s. They have worked with leading fertility clinics in London. run their own clinic overseas as well a satellite centre in London for the last 10 years. They have no other committments, so they are available for every patient, from ovulation inductions to IVF and ICSI.

Continuity of care
by our team

Every patient, from IVF and ICSI or something as simple as IUI with donor sperm or ovulation induction is seen personally by the same experienced doctor so you know you are in good hands – the same good hands all through your journey! The same doctors will scan you, consult and advise you and do your procedures from IUI to egg collections and ETs.

Cutting edge treatments in a safe environment

Acorn Fertility will provide the best quality treatment, implementing the most up to date concepts blended with years of experience. Our centre is HFEA licensed and a has CD license as well. The premises also have CQC registration – which means we are inspected by 3 regulatory agencies regularly. Our clinic has it’s own generator and UPS to support the lab in case of an electrical

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