
Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (HyCoSy) is a procedure used to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes.

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What is a Hysteroscopy

Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (usually called HyCoSy) is a straightforward procedure which is used to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes using advanced ultrasound to test for common symptoms such as blocked fallopian tubes.

HyCoSy can also be used to check for abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries, it’s a much safer alternative to older methods as it does not use X-rays or any kind of radiation. Instead, a contrast agent is passed into the uterus via a fine catheter, and the doctor tracks this agent using ultrasound.

Who is it for?

  • Women who would like to test the patency of the fallopian tubes
  • Those who wish to undergo inter-uterine insemination (IUI) are also advised to undergo a HyCosy
  • Patients with endometriosis, pelvic infection or appendicitis
  • Patients with endometriosis

What does the Hysteroscopy test involve?

The HyCoSy procedure takes approximately half an hour. You will have an internal scan first; the doctor will take measurements of the uterus (womb), endometrium (lining of womb) and ovaries.

Under ultrasound guidance a thin tube will be passed into the womb through the neck of the womb and a small amount (5-10 mls) of fluid (normal saline) is injected into the womb to observe the presence of any abnormalities (polyp, fibroids etc) in the lining of the womb. A water and gel based medium called ExEm Foam is then passed into the womb and the fallopian tubes to assess the tubes.

Is a Hysteroscopy test painful?

The levels of pain for the HyCosy test varies from woman to woman but it is likely that you will feel some discomfort during the procedure similar to that of period pain.

Why Choose Acorn Fertility

Acorn Affirms on IVF Successful Stories where treatment results meet with the Gift of Living Heart

Experienced doctors who lead your treatment

Dr Alka and Dr Maha have both been in the speciality of fertility since the mid 1990s. They have worked with leading fertility clinics in London. run their own clinic overseas as well a satellite centre in London for the last 10 years. They have no other committments, so they are available for every patient, from ovulation inductions to IVF and ICSI.

Continuity of care
by our team

Every patient, from IVF and ICSI or something as simple as IUI with donor sperm or ovulation induction is seen personally by the same experienced doctor so you know you are in good hands – the same good hands all through your journey! The same doctors will scan you, consult and advise you and do your procedures from IUI to egg collections and ETs.

Cutting edge treatments in a safe environment

Acorn Fertility will provide the best quality treatment, implementing the most up to date concepts blended with years of experience. Our centre is HFEA licensed and a has CD license as well. The premises also have CQC registration – which means we are inspected by 3 regulatory agencies regularly. Our clinic has it’s own generator and UPS to support the lab in case of an electrical

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