Fertility Counselling

Your fertility journey is often described as a roller-coaster ride. Dealing with fertility issues can be emotionally challenging, to say the least. That’s why we offer specialised counselling services with fully trained and certified fertility (BICA registered) counsellors to guide and support both you and your partner.

How Can a Counsellor Help?

Our experienced fertility counsellors will hear you, try to understand what you are going through and can help you clarify your feelings and address your fears. This may seem simple, and it often is, but on occasions it may need a bit more skill and experience that you well meaning friends may lack. Talking to a professional counsellor, either as a couple or individually, allows you to express the intense emotions of your experience in a safe and supportive environment. You won’t have to worry about upsetting anyone by expressing your doubts or concerns.

Fertility Counselling

Can a Counsellor Help Me Decide?

Counsellors don’t decide for you, they simpy help you to unravel the complexities that often exist in your mind about what’s happening. Talking a good counseller often helps you organize your thoughts and feelings, enabling you to make informed decisions. They act as a sounding board, helping you articulate your hopes and fears. Often, just expressing these thoughts out loud to someone who listens without judgment can provide immense relief and clarity. And most importantly, they are non-judgemental, so you can speak your mind with the least worry or fear.

Exploring Difficult Issues

Fertility treatments, especially those involving donor eggs or sperm, can present moral and ethical challenges. Your counsellor can help you come to terms with the fact that only one of you may be the biological parent. They will also assist you in deciding what and when to tell your child about their conception, given the legal right of children to know their biological parent.

Complete Confidentiality

Everything you share with your counsellor is strictly confidential. You can discuss matters you might not feel comfortable sharing with your partner. Even Your fertility treatment team at Acorn will not have access to your counselling notes, allowing you to be honest and open about your feelings and fears.

Issues You Might Face During Your Fertility Journey

Gynecological Outpatient

Unrealistic Expectations

Despite high success rates, it’s crucial to maintain realistic expectations. Fertility treatment can significantly increase your chances of conceiving, but there are no guarantees. Just like natural conception, fertility treatment doesn’t always result in a live birth. Occasionally, there may not be enough good eggs harvested, or fertilization may fail. The risk of miscarriage, especially in older women, can be as high as 15%. The live birth rate is lower than the clinical pregnancy rate, which is when a fetal heartbeat is detected via ultrasound. Additionally, there is a risk that implanted embryos may lodge in the fallopian tube, leading to an ectopic pregnancy.

Multiple Births

Many women often think of this no more than a happy complication. That’s far from the truth. Pregnancy with twins is more likely to have complications such as miscarriage, high blood pressure during pregnancy, gestational diabetes a higher risk of LSCS and premature delivery.

We take all necessary precautions to minimize this risk, but it’s essential to be prepared for the possibility of multiple births.


Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

We try to avoid OHSS as much as we can but sometimes it can happen. OHSS can lead to severe abdominal pain, excessive ovarian growth, fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity, and may even require hospitalization or intensive care treatment. We have several ways of reducing it’s chances but it’s not something that can be avoided entirely. We will elaborate more about that during our consultations.

Financial Loss

While there is no physical risk in trying fertility treatment, there is a financial risk. You may spend a significant amount of money without achieving the desired outcome. Whilst we can’t guarantee success, we can atleast give you a very real costing of the treatment so that you are not left wondering or spending far more than you thought you would.

We do this by offering you a “fixed price” treatment. You will have all the possibilities listed so that there are no surprises.

Our “Three cycle treatment packages” will allow you to have a back-up plan and that way plan better should the first cycle fail. Most couples are surprised at how cost-efficient and user-friendly these packages are.

Fertility Counselling

Other Services

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Why Choose Acorn Fertility

Acorn Affirms on IVF Successful Stories where treatment results meet with the Gift of Living Heart

Experienced doctors who lead your treatment

Dr Alka and Dr Maha have both been in the speciality of fertility since the mid 1990s. They have worked with leading fertility clinics in London. run their own clinic overseas as well a satellite centre in London for the last 10 years. They have no other committments, so they are available for every patient, from ovulation inductions to IVF and ICSI.

Continuity of care
by our team

Every patient, from IVF and ICSI or something as simple as IUI with donor sperm or ovulation induction is seen personally by the same experienced doctor so you know you are in good hands – the same good hands all through your journey! The same doctors will scan you, consult and advise you and do your procedures from IUI to egg collections and ETs.

Cutting edge treatments in a safe environment

Acorn Fertility will provide the best quality treatment, implementing the most up to date concepts blended with years of experience. Our centre is HFEA licensed and a has CD license as well. The premises also have CQC registration – which means we are inspected by 3 regulatory agencies regularly. Our clinic has it’s own generator and UPS to support the lab in case of an electrical